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[ Links ]WARNING ALL LINKS POP UP IN NEW WINDOWS, EH SEPTIC MEDIA... some stuff I did... never to be updated again. Septic Media 1.2, under construction still... way under. more Septic Media content hiding out at Zed. not what i'm eating these days The Will Austin Escape! Tunes on NMC Speaking of Devils, best described as "a more maudlin Canned Ham" Cars Suck. THE KOBE! some montreal type dudemang, quality human a nonevent on the web for highlights of #emb... good reading on the political journalistic tip. George Monbiot. Willfully egregious, the ZERO RETURN flash website... once more, way under... PUBLIC DOMAIN WICKED SONGS FOR YOU AND ME TO LOVE!! !! DorsDebout is my super cool friend! Bongout! they kick ass. in a crazy colorful way! ELECTRIC MOON BANANAS {ridetolive;drinktoride} kids these days! a great bunch of rockers. BOOMBOX MUSEUM! WILD STYLES FROM THE 80'S Kids Are Sexy, new musical terror, not quite rising on the streets of Vancouver. WEEN LIVE IN VANCOUVER STREAMING REAL AUDIO COURTESY JUSTCONCERTS.COM Typographica, a journal of typography, or so they claim This is the band, ZERORETURN ! ! ! ! ! ! LARGEheartedBOY, GbV loving mp3 type blog ARIZONA JAZZ FARM @ THE LAW OF FIVES! ! ! ! daniel johnston! rejected unknown! I love this girl millions and millions get yer news on, guardian style Check it, Banksy. Ween is tha shit, even if the scum don't update their damn site CARBOHYDRATE PARTY! CBC is tha shit!! streaming realaudio of awesome concerts... free! no ads! maybe i should pay my taxes.... No Relation... but I'd intend to go there one day Haus der BĂ„rte 1993 kill ugly radio... homage to zappa. zappa infernet radio! hi-bandwidth variety. New! Take it to the streets, Stencil style! a/v searches, met der singin' fish! mike watt! rare and unleashed! all manner of goodies. the report of the 911 commission